Khumbulani Mpofu
2 min readAug 11, 2020

You are who you think you are.

And you are the hope for this continent.

I remain convinced that if we survive this pandemic, we are that generation that is supposed to turn the continent around. You are reservoirs of hope, my good friends.

We are that bridge. To snatch away the fiscal purses from the greedy ones and introduce educated morals into our society. And restore the natural laws. We have that responsibility.

And I say this because I speak to a lot of people. And most of the time we agree that these are unprecedented times. And something entirely fundamental is happening. And I think there is a new consciousness that is unravelling.

We are trying to stay alive. While we are losing loved ones and close friends at each turn of the clock. And our social media is filled with tributes and eulogies for those from amongst us from whom our phones will never ring again.

And they now rest.

But we were born into the transition, and we have been taught what is possible, in all of our education that led us to arrive at the academic summit, or close to that hill. All of our learning suggests that we are capable and that we can do it, all.

We are unlimited.

And we should march on with each breath, behind the masks.

And it cant be that we will sit back and watch indlu emnyama ihlale iyinhlekisa for umhlaba wonke.

And I see you all graduating and getting your Masters' and PhDs. You are gaining and contributing to the body of knowledge. And you are making new discoveries in your dissertations and theses. You must use all of it fam.

Be all that. Be it. Be that.

And so, a lot of our generation, just as they are collecting the degrees and certificates; are also discovering a kind of enlightenment and an awakening, whether ancestrally spiritual or Christianically religious, as we draw closer to 40 or cross over 40. We are asking ourselves questions of purpose.

Laark, why are we here?

But it is my hope that across the continent, we become the vanguards or a new pioneer column that lead a great part of the continent into a catchup and leapfrog paradigm.

And I pray we live long enough to manifest and improve ourselves and our communities, and become bolder in pulling those behind us, into a plateau of better possibility. And a collective philosophy to care for each other, regardless of the passports that we hold. Care and grow fam.

Its up to you and me.

Lets do the things.

While we are alive.


In memory of Letu Moti, uChizama.

A Pan-Africanist, called to rest on 09 August 2020.

Death be not proud.

Khumbulani Mpofu
Khumbulani Mpofu

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