When they leave / Grief.
When times get tough and when it gets difficult, at any time, we have to strengthen our belief and our love of and for God.
We have lost friends. We have lost relatives, family members and relationships. Through it all, we lost our processes of grieving.
The deaths of all the people that we knew in life and that we walked and travelled with for some time has changed us.
We have to agree and accept that it doesnt make it any easier that we know and understand that we are inside of an unprecedented pandemic, and just as we have lost our norms and what was normal, we are finding ourselves at our wits' end in the process of accepting a loss or the gaining of an ancestor/angel.
All the more, we are not sure how to memorial them when they transition to that other place that we dont quite know so well. It becomes all very sudden, and we are hurt and hurting.
And so it is that with prayer, and the attempts at continuing After Tears customs, we should seek the solace of Him that created and gave us this life, just as it is that He also takes it back and restores it somewhere else in the energy and time continuum, or even somewhere else on the Universe.
We can only hope that time heals us in the adage and in the passage of the time itself.
The Christians remain in affirmation of Matthew 6 v25-27. Where the risen Son makes us believe that there is nothing to worry about and that we should continue in prayer and supplication. And so I cannot tell you anything else that can put you in urgent comfort. We are only advised not to worry.
Those words in the Book of Matthew, have been healing to me for the times in my life when the roads got rough and the seas got choppy, from when I started cultivating my connection with uMdali/uMvelinqangi the Creator and He whom that binds us to life and to Himself.
You are in this life because He created you for a purpose. You will know the purpose and the plan in your own way when you get connected to Him. Dont miss your chance.
It starts with yourself in the inside and you will search yourself and you will find your Truth and you will find that the Creator is the Trust and the Truth.
And life in this realm comes to an end, and that end will come for all of us. But the eternal question is ukuthi what have you done with the purpose that you were ordained with from birth.
Because we all come into this life with that purpose as a birthmark and a birthright.
So while we meditate on the loss of our loved one, and we remember all of the time we shared. We must also remember that we must respond when we are called by our name.
To answer ukuthi what have we done in this life, that we may be remembered when isidlulile this life and we proceed to the next to be in closeness to uMoya oyingcwele. This is your life to live in while you are still within this dimension.
You wont ever have to respond to anyone else but Him for the question. Its not in the now of time. Its within you and with you and it travels with you and you ask yourself on the inside of you.
Its your question and your answer, and you will know it when you hear your name being called for you to get close.
Peace and love to you fam. uNkulunkulu emuhle njalo 💙