The Calling. Of Faith, and belief. Part 1.
At the centre of all belief and faith and of all religion, is believing without seeing and to be trusting. That we are right in our belief of whatever it is that we believe.
And believing means we cannot be wrong. There is no room. No error. And no hesitation. Because if it is that, if there is hesitation and doubt, then, we are unfaithful, you see?
So we believe. That we are right in believing that we are this that we think we are, and who we are. And that we are right in the knowing of this and everything that we see in our existence, and in the sub-consciousness of things that come into and out of our imagination.
We hold on to these feelings, and these beliefs, and that becomes our faith. And our politics, and our relationships. And we form bonds and we sign contracts at the union of these beliefs between ourselves, and we become friends, lovers, families and communities, societies, political parties and unities and trade unions, you see?
And all of these things are our truths.
And if we are not wrong, then that is the faith that binds us, and we are bound, in that loyalty and in that trust. Across the distance and at length. Into the future and into forever. You see?
Without wax. We accept, and we forgive and negotiate each of our imperfections, because our belief is that, we were made imperfectly perfect at the potter’s hands perhaps, but yet, we behold each other to be perfect, when there is unity in what we believe.
And then when that negotiated settlement breaks, we are alarmed. And we are angry. And inconsolable. And the bonds break.
But we can recreate trust, if we are honest. We can recreate trust, because our fears are of the same things.
We fear isolation. And loneliness and being alone in what we believe. And that’s the basis of the existence of churches, yes, the charismatic churches, and organised religion, and companies and even football teams. You see?
Because we seek that validation. That all of that which we believe is socially confirmed and accepted as a truth. Its a construct.
We dont want to believe that we may be wrong in what we believe, but we dont want to be wrong, because if we are, then we lose our belief, and our faith. And the order of all of the things that previously mattered to us.
But may you, my brethren, remain in the faith, the belief, and the trust, that all that is important, remains bound in its importance to you and everyone around you.
Without hesitation.
But I think that you should also allow room, for growth and refinement. And re-negotiated settlements, and revisitation of the truths, and the beliefs, that had previously chained us.
Because we may have been wrong. In what we believed to be true.
From time.