Sometimes what is in you is too big for what you’re in.
I think we live with the fear of inadequacy a lot of the time. Two steps back, and one foot forward. We pause and overthink, and we hesitate. Yet those that take the leap of bravery get the early worm, so to speak. You catch that in the drift?
We should be convinced and have conviction. Im not saying you go become a convict fam. Thats not it. We should rather have faith and allow our faith to prevail. Thats the spirit.
He knows what He is doing. You may not feel presently qualified. You may feel woefully inadequate, and underprepared. You doubt yourself.
But sometimes it’s not about you & what you can do- it’s about what God has planned to do through you fam. He wants to take you somewhere. To get us there.
And the fear holds us back. And we procrastinate fam. And we double-think, and we triple and multiply our doubt. And we go backwards. The moment passes.
Procrastination and greatness dont go hand in hand. Procrastination suggests that life is on your schedule, your own terms, and convinces you that you have time. Its an arrogant assumption that you will get to do at another time, what you didnt get to do today.
That God will give you another time to do what you should have done today. You chose to couch.
It could just be that God gave you that moment, to do that, which you were meant to do, and you let that moment pass.
Dont waste a moment fam. Fetch your wings. You are on God’s time.