Quick thought on feminism, and fatherhood.
Our society is broken. Us as men are broken. Our women are broken. Divorce rates are sky high. A new generation of kids will come from broken homes. We have to fix ourselves, but unfortunately we cant fix our women. Dont take that view bro.The needle has moved past that.
We have to have a universal acceptance that women have come into their own, and they also now lead. And that we all have to fix ourselves. And no man can fix a woman by the way. And no woman can fix a man. Its both people taking the responsibility to fix themselves for each other, if they want to be happy together.
The reality though is that feminism is incapacitating the patriarchy that our collective society was founded on. So we as men, have to play a subjugated part in raising our kids and giving them a balance.
Its not easy reading that #MenAreTrash on these social medias. Because that sentiment gets perpetuated, and noone is the better of it if there is a cold front and a cold war at home bro. We need a new movement, a new fatherhood.
A movement to do better and be better for our kids. As they get raised by their mothers. Because the courts give mothers those rights, and we get visitation rights. So on those days that we spend with our kids, we should do better by our kids. And be right for them. And not be trash, trashy fathers.
So you shouldnt abdicate from your role as a father when you and the mother are separated. And you shouldnt attempt to frustrate the mother as she is raising the kids (possibly in your absence).
Dont be bitter, accept that yall didnt work out but you still have the lucky of the 500000 sperm to raise. Them are those little Negros that fertilised the egg and she carried them nighas and laboured them into this crazy world. She is their old Earth. Be there for the kids fam. Thats all Im saying bro.