Khumbulani Mpofu
3 min readJul 19, 2019

Noone possesses another.

We take and give of each other to the other. Yet we remain our own person.

Even in matrimony. Each spouse is their own person, but they happen to exist in a state of union. By a law decreed, tradition or a divine covenant.

You are who you are, and thats who you are. Noone can change that about you, and an effort to reverse your internal learning and attempts to rewire you will fail. Its an exercise in futility. The only person that can change you is you.

And you have to accept that about yourself fam. You exist on this earth, as an individual, who is connected to others in social and intimate relations. And you choose how to extend yourself.

Humanity is an acceptance of others in your community and interactions. And seeing them for who they are, and recognising how they are themselves, and accepting them for themselves without condition, contradiction nor compromise.

Thats what being good hearted is all about. And thats the spirit of the great heart that the now departed Johnny Clegg sang about.

And there is an inner peace that results in that level of consciousness. If you seek the good in people, you will receive good from them. But if you have pessimism about their intentions, you will likely receive pessimism back, and a bad feedback loop cycles on.

But, you have no natural enemy in the universe, except your own thinking, and how you view the world, and how you view others.

So be you and be your controlled thoughts. And take from the world what you are willing to give back.

But you wont find universal acceptance. Our struggle as individuals and as people, is that we were raised differently, and we dont have the same values, or value life the same way. So we have to live in an existential compromise.

And this explains my occasional bouts of depression. Because there is the idealism, a true north that I chase, but there is also the cold reality of the earthly world and its matter and materials.

Im not a perfect person. Not one of us is. But I am an idealist. And I am battling perhaps the same existential duality as you may be. And I sense that a lot of us are fighting these kind of demons. As we reflect upon the world, in seeking answers. And we church to find meaning.

This existential duality relates to your persona, your being human, how you want to live, your desires, your anger and your happiness, and your irritations, how you become adversarial and how you turmoil and plead and fight with your conscience and you question the scriptures.

Its about how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. And its an eternal and internal struggle. And that’s being alive and living.

Its about righteousness and if there is such a thing as being righteous, and if its humanly possible to live life just as scripture defines.

So the question that abounds, is that in you being alive and searching for how to live your life, are you living the right life, the right way? In the midst of what you have to deal with in interaction with other humans, who are not you?

I dont have the answers. But maybe just be yourself, and hope everyone else accepts you for who you are, in your peace with your Creator.

Khumbulani Mpofu
Khumbulani Mpofu

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