I guess we make different impressions.
At the start. From the get go. I was on my marks.
I saw a smart, clever, intelligent, thoughtful, considerate, beautiful, heartwarming, remarkable woman. She came at a time when I needed some support, a support system.
She was empathetic, sympathetic, and confident; and she gave me assurance that everything would be ok, not so much in words, but in presence and in smile. She listened, laughed and winked, poorly perhaps...but Im not judging that fam.
But I could talk to her, and she wouldnt shout, you know. I spoke too much and vented, she listened and guided me to prayer and to God.
I would lose sleep at night before, but when she started paying attention, and I started thinking of an us, and the possibilities, I could sleep and I could dream, further and thereafter and beyond. I got to praying fam. And I wanted to chase that dream, to chase the us fam.
And so I told God about her, and I would tell on her, and I thanked Him. And He said to me that I should have patience, whenever she wanted to pull away, I gentle asked for her back, from Him. And He hasnt yet let me down. So I keep giving her to Him, and after a while, He sends her back to me, and I remain in awe, of her, and of Him.
Thats my piece, and my peace, fam. We good.