God/& the Universe in Zulu or Nguni spiritual perspectives. (Curated)
Zulu/Nguni is more scientific than anything else because spirituality is more a science than anything else in the universe, and Quantum physicists are recently acknowledging what we’ve known for centuries.
Cause and effect; what started everything within the universe is what is known as causality; and effect is everything we see around us. In isiZulu we say UMDALI which literally means the CAUSER now because he is the CAUSALITY and we exist within him therefore he is Omnipresent.
Then He sparked the atoms and atoms are known to be the maker of everything we see around us. Atoms in Zulu are called UMENZI which is UMENZI WEZINTO ZONKE which translates to; the maker (atoms) of all things.
Then He divided himself into segments (deities/energies) to further or express his existence in all forms of creation. The first deity or energy that came about is what physicists call QUARKS (these elementary particles that make it possible for other particles to combine and form observable matter).
QUARKS are everywhere because they are constantly moving up and down and sideways and all around. QUARKS in Zulu are called USODUMO = ukuduma (to be known everywhere because you are everywhere), and so quarks are everywhere. USODUMO means the all-knowing or the omnicient conciousness or deity, he was created first so that the universe is able to acknowledge itself.
The Second deity/energy that was awakened is UNOMKHUBULWANE = ukhubulwane is something that is earthly, sandy or rocky which is MATTER (matter conciousness) without her we are nothing and nowhere.
Then came the light from the SUN = USOMANDLA in Zulu which is anything that has to do with light or fire we call it amandla hence amandla kagesi, amandla ombani, ilanga lishisa ngamandla ke manje) USOMANDLA in actual fact is/was being refered to the SUN, we used to worship the SUN as part of the gods before Egypt was even introduced to sun worship.
USOMANDLA/SUN/LIGHT/POWER is responsible for growth and the allower of life (we favoured it and it was also favoured by the Egyptians) and that is why this deity is called the Omnipotent conciousness because it is the energy that holds power to life.
Even though the universe was aware of itself it was still unbalanced and disorganised, so came GRAVITY: a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass or energy including planets, stars, galaxies and even light gravitate toward one another, and in isiZulu GRAVITY as a puller of things we call it UMVELINQANGI (meaning one that appeared and pulled all things onto him) UMVELI = appeared or appearer NQANGI = puller/connector/balancer. UMVELINQANGI is a deity that brought about centrality and balance in the universe.
UMVELINQANGI connects all the deities onto him and everything that exists within the grandstand of the universe ( he is central in balance of conciousness).
Physicists say life started in water so water gave birth to life. In isiZulu we have UNOMHOYI she is the water deity or goddess and we say she gave birth to life because water is the most conscious element in the universe. Life comes from water and it returns to it after death.
Water is a passage or gateway to the parallel universe/afterlife/dimension or kwelamathongo ( thats why your ancestors/universe/God will hear you faster and answer you quicker if you talk to them by the river or the sea).
NOMHOYI is what the Quantum physicists call the molecular structure of water, a memory storer, because they just “discovered” that water has a memory stored within its molecular structures.
Then we have UMAH deity and they call her FUNGI/ FAUNA/FLORA. We call her UMAH coz we are her children we come from FUNGI & FAUNA.
See, we were physicists and biologists and zoologists and chemists and understood the universe at great length even parallel worlds before they knew what was even science!
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Lessons from Credo Mutwa