We actually do hold ourselves back a lot of times. From being who we are meant to be. And maybe that’s because we get possessed with fear and that fear creates the resistance to learning, for us to learn from our failures. And then to progress.
We are arrested by the fear of moving on to new things, and we surround ourselves with the comforts of the normal / the usual. And then we never break free into our growth.
So, I challenge you to this fact. That you must fail in order to move up to a higher plateau. You must fail at everything. But you must then learn, fail fast and push on bro. Dont hold back, take the L, and take the lessons. Aint no shame there.
The only problem becomes when you fail to learn. I have learnt that I failed at marriage. My first marriage was/is an emotional disaster. It was all a rollercoaster from the start. And I never allowed myself to break it off and to break free. And I made the kids an excuse to stay in what was really a doomed marriage, a marriage that God didnt design for the both of us.
Unfortunately we were both a whole lot more fertile and the chemistry at the get go was 🔥. And we had 3 kids in six years. Biology and Physics bro. Fire brigade when we got in the bed to do things. But thats a lovely memory and Im not bitter, I shouldnt be. There were good times and there were bad times. And some of the bad times overpowered a whole lot more of the good times.
So the lesson I take from that is that we are not bad people. Its just that we were not good together, and we were not good for each other. And there is no shame in that bro. Its just a lesson.
Sometimes you have to break free, and allow the other person to break free and to find their happiness. In your absence. Real talk.
Another thing you must know is that fear doesnt come from God bro. Its the work of the other dude that works overtime in the shafts deep underground where its hot and sulphuric. Get closer to God.