Be your own kind of beautiful.
You know, I dont care much for looks. I used to be insecure about my looks, when I was younger. I cared for what people thought when I was skinny and mildly depressed.
Not anymore bro. Yeah I still want to look good and sexy, but I could just wake up any day and Im fine with waking up like I just came out of a deep mine shaft.
Im more with the realisation that it doesnt matter if you look good when you are not a good person. And people gravitate towards good people more than they do towards good looking people. So being a good person and also looking good could just be the better thing fam.
You have to be authentic. Im reminded of this every morning when I get up and I read and meditate over some Zat Rana.
Its important for me to tell you that you are important. You are important in people’s lives. No matter how you wake up feeling.
You shouldn’t hide who you are from yourself and from the people that look up to you. You have a story and you have wisdom, and people need that of you and from you.
Accept yourself and accept them. You have nothing to prove to anyone except yourself fam.
Now, go wipe that makeup off. Look naturally good and feel good fam. And do good.