Khumbulani Mpofu
2 min readJun 19, 2019

And I think we just get closer when we’re not together.

Its that distance makes the heart grow fonder thing. Those kind of vibes. And the communication between us through messages and messaging make the connection to be restored, each time.

Im reading the Word more now, and Im finding that there is a universal truth in the words. That we all have a need to belong. And this comes from what is called an axiological need for affection and its intersection with an existential need for interacting/interaction. Thats the human condition we are in.

This philosophy on human needs is written in an academic seminal work called the Max-Neef Framework, which was a paper in sociology on human development and poverty improvement, it exists as an extension and advancement on Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs.

The foundational truth is that while we are apart from each other, as is caused by the distance and us working separate lives and living separately, because of the affection and the passion that exists between us, the resolve for interaction is strengthened, and we need to keep that.

And so, when we do meet, its fireworks. And it should be so, because reciprocation is key. We have to have those rules that you speak that are grounded in faith.

Because in the absence of God in our lives, what the hell are we doing here? We have to be holy and Godly as we interact with each other and this love, God has to be the true north, the compass and the way. Lets not detour.

And I am not even saying that we will not stumble and fall. We are human after all and we will trip and find ourselves standing in a puddle.

We are people and we are humans, and we sometimes do crazy things, to each other. But there are rules to this thing, rules to abide by and the commandments to keep. And thats how we must get by.

Lastly, forgiveness is a good thing. And thats just the way love goes. If I love you, in as much as I mean it, I surely should be able to allow you a break of serve now and again when you say you are sorry.

And when I do say Im sorry, it shouldn’t be the hardest thing that I have to do, and we shouldn’t get to the part when you are breaking my heart and not letting the ball come back to my side of the court? Please return my serve and lets keep the rally going.

You feel me?

Khumbulani Mpofu
Khumbulani Mpofu

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